
Positioning system for start bars on ski jumps

Industrial Gas Springs – Push Type GS-8 to GS-70
ACE gas springs automatically return the launch bars in the starting area of the ski jump to the starting position after the jumper leaves the bars Copyright: Skiclub Hinterzarten e.V., 79856 Hinterzarten, Germany
Leisure, Hobby & Sports
folding elements, shutters, sports equipment, locking systems

ACE gas springs ensure precise positioning of the start bars on ski jumps and give Olympians a kick-start

The addition of two GS-22 industrial gas springs (push type) from ACE make training on a ski jumping ramp much easier. With their help, moving mobile launch bars is child’s play. Located at the starting tower, the launch bars are a necessary part of the ski jump. The bars regulate the flight curve by adjusting launch speed and length, which constantly changes due to different performance levels and wind influences. These gas springs have a pushing force as low as 200 N, which means ski jumpers do not need to use much muscle power when closing the launch bar, and are able to tackle jumps with a high level of concentration, precision and speed.

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