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对轻载荷的出色隔振 低频隔振器 固有频率 8.0 Hz 至 16.0 Hz 负载范围 0.7 kg 至 8.2 kg https://www.ace-ace.cn/cn/products/vibration-control/rubber-metal-isolators/bubble-mounts/bm-5068/bm-50682.html
对轻载荷的出色隔振 低频隔振器 固有频率 8.0 Hz 至 16.0 Hz 负载范围 0.7 kg 至 8.2 kg https://www.ace-ace.cn/cn/products/vibration-control/rubber-metal-isolators/bubble-mounts/bm-5068/bm-50683.html
对轻载荷的出色隔振 低频隔振器 固有频率 8.0 Hz 至 16.0 Hz 负载范围 0.7 kg 至 8.2 kg https://www.ace-ace.cn/cn/products/vibration-control/rubber-metal-isolators/bubble-mounts/bm-5068/bm-50684.html
即使最严苛的应用工况,也能取得稳定 固有频率 7.6 Hz 至 13.3 Hz 负载范围 20.0 kg 至 120.2 kg https://www.ace-ace.cn/cn/products/vibration-control/rubber-metal-isolators/marine-mounts/sfm-52010/sfm-52010-45.html
即使最严苛的应用工况,也能取得稳定 固有频率 7.6 Hz 至 13.3 Hz 负载范围 20.0 kg 至 120.2 kg https://www.ace-ace.cn/cn/products/vibration-control/rubber-metal-isolators/marine-mounts/sfm-52010/sfm-52010-55.html
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